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Figure 1 | Molecular Neurodegeneration

Figure 1

From: Does neuroinflammation fan the flame in neurodegenerative diseases?

Figure 1

Neuroinflammation can precede and contribute to neuronal dysfunction and degeneration. Divergent initiating triggers directly or indirectly converge to activate microglia (stained here with an antibody against F4/80) from a ramified/resting state to an ameboid-shape/activated state, initiating a self-propelling cycle of neuroinflammation and chronic over-production of inflammatory mediators. These mediators impact susceptible neuronal populations in the CNS and contribute to their demise within the context of each neurodegenerative disorder. The progressive loss of neurons that characterizes these disorders further contributes to generation of debris and keeps microglia activated indefinitely maintaining microglia in an activated state long-term.

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