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Figure 6 | Molecular Neurodegeneration

Figure 6

From: Disruption of the NF-κB/IκBα Autoinhibitory Loop Improves Cognitive Performance and Promotes Hyperexcitability of Hippocampal Neurons

Figure 6

Increased interictal epileptiform activity in IκBαM/M KI mice. A) Representative extracellular field recordings of acute hippocampal slices from WT or KI mice before and after perfusion with modified ACSF containing high K+/low Mg2+ to induce spontaneous interictal-type burst firing. Scale bar = 2 mV/2 sec. B) Quantification of number of bursts per 50 sec recording in recordings from area CA3 or CA1. N = 5-24 recordings, * = p < 0.05. C) Representative EEG recording from a WT mouse (left) and KI mouse (right) depicting spontaneous interictal spike (IIS) activity (dashed box) recorded chronically in awake and behaving KI mice. Scale bar = 600 μV/1 sec. D) Quantification of IIS frequency per hour of EEG recording normalized to WT levels in young and aged mice. N = 6-47 recordings, * = p < 0.05.

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