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Table 1 Transgenic rat models of Alzheimer’s disease

From: Modeling Alzheimer’s disease in transgenic rats




Amyloid pathology

Tau pathology




hAPP751 Swe, Ind

PDGF promoter

Wistar (outbred)

iAβ in cortex and hippocampus from 6 mo

No plaques


Increased pERK2

[62, 63]


hAPP751 Swe, Ind

Human PS1 (M146L)

PDGF promoter

Wistar (outbred)

iAβ in cortex and hippocampus from 6 mo

No plaques

Increased ptau (PHF-1) at 9 mo, no tangles

Increased pERK2, decreased p- p90RSK

Altered proteome (SELDI-TOFF MS)

Altered subcellular compartments



hAPP751 Swe,

PDGF promoter

Fisher-344 (inbred)

Increased APP mRNA (56%) and Aβ-40 and Aβ-42 peptides, no plaques


Better cognitive performance in MWM and STFP



hAPP695 Swe,

UbiquitinC promoter

Sprague-Dawley (outbred)

Increased APP products

Cerebrovascular deposits at 15 mo

Few diffuse plaques

Increased ptau (PHF-1) at 15 mo, no tangles.

Impairment in MWM and open-field

[75, 76]


hAPP695 wild-type,

UbiquitinC promoter

Wistar (outbred)

Increased APP/ Aβ levels (2 fold) in cortex and hippocampus

no plaques


Smaller infarct volume impairment in MWM and BWT after MCAO




hAPP695 Swe, Ind,

UbiquitinC promoter

Lentiviral delivery

Fisher-344 (inbred)

Increased APP products and APP mRNA in brain (2.9 fold), kidneys and lungs

Increased Aβ-40 and Aβ-42 in serum

No plaques



[73, 74]


Tg478/ Tg1116/ Tg11587

hAPP695 Swe,

Rat synapsin I promoter

hAPP695 Swe, Lon,

PDGFβ promoter

Human PS1 (M146V),

Rat synapsin I promoter

Sprague-Dawley (inbred)

Mostly diffuse plaques

Few compact plaques in hippocampus.

No vascular Aβ deposits

Aβ load confirmed with (F-18) FDDNP microPET

Increased ptau (AT8, PHF-1), no tangles

Impairment in LTP and in MWM performance

Activation of astrocytes and few microglia particularly around plaques

No neuronal loss



hAPP751 Swe, Ind,

Mouse Thy1.2 promoter

Wistar (outbred)

Progressive accumulation of iAβ in cortex and hippocampus from 1 week post-natal

Aβ plaques starting at 6-9 mo


Dystrophic neurites and astrogliosis around plaques

Progressive learning deficits (MWM)

Altered metabolites (MRS)

[81, 85]


hAPP695 Swe,

Human PS1ΔE9

Mouse PrP promoter

Fisher-344 (inbred)

Progressive accumulation of iAβ, Aβ-40 and Aβ-42 and Aβ plaques

Increased ptau (CP-13, pTau-PADRE and others) and

Gallyas-positive NFT

Deficits in open-field, NOR, BM

Presence of dystrophic neurites, activated astrocytes and microglia around plaques. Neuronal loss


SHR72 and SHR318

Human tau truncated (151-391, 4R)

Mouse Thy1 promoter

SHR (inbred)


Increased ptau (AT8)

Tangles in brainstem

Deficits in MWM and BWT

Impaired reflex responses

no neuronal loss in brain, axonal damage in the brain stem and spinal cord, decreased lifespan

[35, 95, 96]


Human tau truncated (151-391, 3R)

Mouse Thy1 promoter

SHR (inbred)


Increased ptau (DC11 and others)

Tangles in cortex

No neuronal loss in cortex and hippocampus, decreased lifespan


  1. BM Barnes maze, BWT beam walking test, IHC immunohistochemistry, MCAO middle cerebral artery occlusion, mo months-old, MRS magnetic resonance spectroscopy, MWM Morris water maze, N/A information not available, NFT neurofibrillary tangles, NOR novel object recognition, PET positron emission tomography, STFP social transmission of food preference.