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Table 1 Key amino acid residues present in the HDAC6 catalytic pocket and in the binding domain

From: HDAC6 as a target for neurodegenerative diseases: what makes it different from the other HDACs?

HDAC6 catalytic pocket (CDII)

HDAC6 ubiquitin binding domain (ZnFUBP)

Inhibitor stabilization

Catalytic channel rim (cap domain)

His 499

Ubiquitin stabilization


Pro 501

Leu 749

Phe 679

Asp 567

Ser 498

His 500

Glu 502

Arg 1155 **

Val 503

Tyr 1156 **

Phe 566

Tyr 1184


Met 682

Trp 1143

Internal cavity ZBG + linker domain


Tyr 1189

Asp 649*

Trp 1182

Asp 742*


His 610

His 611

Pro 608

Phe 620

Cys 621

Tyr 782

Phe 680+


Phe 620+

  1. * zinc coordination; ** gatekeeper; + hydrophobic sub-pocket.