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Fig. 9 | Molecular Neurodegeneration

Fig. 9

From: Tetraspanin 6: a pivotal protein of the multiple vesicular body determining exosome release and lysosomal degradation of amyloid precursor protein fragments

Fig. 9

TSPAN6 controls neural protein homeostasis in vivo. a Immunohistochemistry on cerebral sections of the cortex (layer 4) of Tspan6 Y/+ and Tspan6 Y/- adult mice (1 year old, scale bar = 40 μm). Sections were probed with a polyclonal anti-Tspan6 antibody. Only neuronal bodies of Tspan6 Y/+ were positive. b Western blot analysis of the cerebral cortex of Tspan6 Y/+ and Tspan6 Y/- adult mice (7 x Tspan6 Y/+ and 7 x Tspan6 Y/- 1 year old mice). c Quantification of bands shown in panel b shows a statistically significant decrease of the App levels in Tspan6 Y/- mice and slightly decreased levels of App-CTF and Bace1 that do not reach statistical significance. d ELISA determinations of the Aβ content in the cerebral cortex of the mice in panel b. Aβ40 levels were significantly decreased in Tspan6 Y/- mice. e Western blot analysis of lysates of Tspan6 wt (Tspan6 +/+ or Tspan6 Y/+ ) , Tspan6 het (Tspan6 +/-) and Tspan6 KO (Tspan6 -/- or Tspan6 Y/-) E15 primary neuronal cultures showing a reduction in the protein levels of App, App-CTF, sAppβ and Bace1 in Tspan6 het and KO cultures. f Quantification of the intensity of the bands of western blot experiments as in panel e show a statistically significant reduction in the protein levels of App, App-CTF, sAppβ and Bace1 in Tspan6 KO primary neuronal cultures (n = 8 for wt, n = 8 for het, n = 8 for KO). g Aβ levels measured by ELISA in 24 h conditioned medium show a statistical significant reduction of Aβ40 levels in Tspan 6 KO neurons (n = 8 for wt, n = 3 for het, and n = 4 for KO). Statistical significance was determined by t-test (*p <0.05, **p <0.01)

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