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Fig. 5 | Molecular Neurodegeneration

Fig. 5

From: Targeting Hif1a rescues cone degeneration and prevents subretinal neovascularization in a model of chronic hypoxia

Fig. 5

Pathological vessel growth starts around PND11 in coneΔVhl mice. a, b 3D-reconstruction of blood vessels stained with isolectin on retinal flat mounts of ctrl (left) and coneΔVhl (right) mice at PND7 (a) and PND 11 (b). At PND11, vessels extended from the deep plexus towards the ONL. The intermediate plexus has not yet been formed in both ctrl and coneΔVhl mice. For better recognition and distinction the z-value of the z-stacks was increased five times. DP: deep plexus, PP: primary plexus. Scale bar 50 μm. c Relative expression levels of angiogenic genes in retinas of coneΔVhl (orange), ctrl (black) and wt (green) mice at indicated time points. Expression levels were normalized to Actb and compared to ctrl mice at PND7, which were set to 1. Shown are means ± SD. Two-way ANOVA with Šídák’s multiple comparison test was used for statistical analysis comparing ctrl with coneΔVhl mice (Vegf: ****p<0.0001, Fgf2: ****p<0.0001, Pdgfb: ***p=0.0009, n=3 per time point). Vegf: vascular endothelial growth factor, Fgf2: fibroblast growth factor 2, Sema3f: semaphorin 3F, Pdgfb: platelet derived growth factor, B polypeptide, vWf: von Willebrand factor, Pdgfrb: platelet derived growth factor receptor, beta polypeptide

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