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Fig. 6 | Molecular Neurodegeneration

Fig. 6

From: Quantitative proteomics of acutely-isolated mouse microglia identifies novel immune Alzheimer’s disease-related proteins

Fig. 6

Identification of microglial proteins with increased expression in 5xFAD mouse microglia with relevance to human AD pathology. a Scatter plot showing relative expression of proteins that were differentially expressed in both 5xFAD (vs WT) mouse microglia as well as a published human AD (vs non-AD non-disease control) whole brain proteomics dataset [18]. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was determined to assess overall concordance. The top 5 concordantly increased (red) and decreased (blue) proteins are highlighted. Proteins shown in red indicate increased expression while blue proteins indicate decreased expression in both datasets. b Peptide-level analysis of all App peptides identified in the microglial proteome. Each unique peptide sequence is shown with a distinct color and each peptide’s expression across all 3 mouse groups (relative to global internal standard) is shown. * p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.005

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