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Fig. 1 | Molecular Neurodegeneration

Fig. 1

From: Genome-wide RNAseq study of the molecular mechanisms underlying microglia activation in response to pathological tau perturbation in the rTg4510 tau transgenic animal model

Fig. 1

Pathological study and microglia isolation from rTg4510 mice. a. AlphaScreen assays showing levels of insoluble total tau and MC1-reactive tau in the cortex of rTg4510 (red circles) and wild-type (WT, black circles) mice over time (2-, 4-, 6- and 8- months); expressed as a percent relative to the 2-month old rTg4510 mice. Data are mean ± SEM (20 mice per group); statistical analysis: one-way ANOVA analysis + Dunnet’s test, *,**,*** = p < 0.05, 0.01, 0.001 vs. 2-month old rTg4510 group. b. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) using PG5 antibody to detect phospho-S409 tau accumulation in 2-, 4-, 6-, and 8- month old rTg4510 mouse brain. Quantification result using number of positive cells in the region of interest is plotted on the right (*** p < 0.005 two way factorial ANOVA). c. Iba1 IHC of the cortex region of rTg4510 and age-matched WT mice. The number of Iba1 positive cells are quantified and plotted on the right (*** p < 0.005 two way factorial ANOVA). d. Microglia isolation summary. Bar graphs show the weight of forebrain tissue (upper panel), and the amount of total RNA per microglia cell (lower panel) of rTg4510 and WT animals at different age. Data are mean +/− SEM; statistical analysis: Student t Test, *, **, **** = p < 0.05, 0.01, 0.0001 WT versus rTg4510 at each age

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