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Table 2 BSC studies of tau physiology and pathophysiology

From: Organotypic brain slice cultures to model neurodegenerative proteinopathies

Human Pathology

Slice Culture Pathology


Phosphorylated / conformationally altered tau

BSCs from 3xTg-AD, JNPL3, TauRDΔK and Htau mice all develop increased levels of phosphorylated tau from 1 to 4 weeks in culture. rAAV WT, S320F, P301L/S320F and A152T/P301L/S320F human tau transduced BSCs all accumulate phosphorylated tau by 28 days in vitro (DIV).

[12, 13, 29, 59]

Thioflavin S positive tau inclusions

rAAV P301L/S320F and A152T/P301L/S320F human tau transduced BSCs progressively develop Thioflavin S positive tau inclusions beyond 7 DIV. TauRDΔK BSCs accumulate Thioflavin S puncta from 25 DIV.

[29, 59]

Tau-induced cell loss

rAAV A152T/P301L/S320F human tau transduced BSCs develop cell loss by 2 months in culture.


Tau redistribution

BSCs from 3xTg-AD mice show an accumulation of tau at the membrane by 28 DIV. rAAV P301L/S320F and A152T/P301L/S320F human tau transduced BSCs show somatodendritic accumulation of tau by 28 DIV. TauRDΔK BSCs accumulate tau in the somatodendritic compartment.

[13, 29, 59]