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Figure 10 | Molecular Neurodegeneration

Figure 10

From: Involvement of formyl peptide receptors in receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) - and amyloid beta 1-42-induced signal transduction in glial cells

Figure 10

Different receptors and S100B or Aβ1–42 co-localisation in transfected HEK293 cells. Untransfected or FPR1-, FPRL1- or RAGE expressing HEK293 cells were incubated with 2.4 μM S100B or 1 μM Aβ1–42 for 2 h. Cells were fixed and labelled with anti-FPR1, -FPRL1, -RAGE and anti-S100B or anti- Aβ1–42 antibodies. Localisation of FPR1, FPRL1 or RAGE and S100B (A) or Aβ1–42 (B) was examined by double fluorescence microscopy. Bisbenzimide was used for nuclear counter-staining (blue). The figures show representative results from one of three independent experiments, each performed in duplicate. Scale bar: 20 μm. The right columns show the resulting scatter plot of intensities across the two channels. The Pearson correlation coefficient rp and Spearman correlation coefficient rs are indicated on the scatter plots. For FPR1 (red channel) and S100B or Aβ1–42 (green channel), poor or low co-localisation; for FPRL1 (red channel) and S100B or Aβ1–42 (green channel), low or good co-localisation and for RAGE (red channel) and S100B or Aβ1–42 (green channel), both low co-localisation.

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