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Table 1 Summary of selected Aβ seeding studies

From: Remodeling Alzheimer-amyloidosis models by seeding


Source of seed (route of injection)

Host Line

Host Onset

Host Pathological Features

Age Observed (Age at Time of Injection)

Pathological Features of seed

Pathological Features of Induced Aβ Pathology


Human (IHC)


~ 9 months

Mixed core > diffuse

8 months (3 months)

“plaques and Neurofibrillary


Primarily diffuse deposits, largely Aβ42


Human (IHC)


~ 9 months

Mixed core > diffuse

8 and 15 months (3 months)

“plaques and Neurofibrillary


Primarily diffuse in cortex with some cored deposits in corpus callosum


Human (IHC)


6–9 months

Mixed core > diffuse

9 months (5 months)

“plaques and neurofibrillary tangles”

Significant Aβ deposition that appeared diffuse

Mouse (APP23) (IHC)

7–9 months (5 months)

Fibrillar, congophilic, Aβ40 > Aβ42

“Diffuse and filamentous”. Some congophilic parenchymal deposits near vessels. Dystrophic neurites.

Mouse (APPPS1) (IHC)

8 months (5 months)

Fibrillar, congophilic, Aβ42 > Aβ40

“course, punctate”

Synthetic Aβ and WT brain extract

Limited deposition, similar to below

Synthetic Aβ42 (100-1000X) (IHC)

9 months (5 months)

Fibrillar, congophilic

Some deposits in dentate gyrus, amorphous mass (largely injectate)

Mouse (APP23) (IHC)


3–6 months

Mixed core > > diffuse

3 and 5 months (2 months)

Fibrillar, congophilic, Aβ40 > Aβ42

“mixture of filamentous and compact”

Mouse (APPPS1) (IHC)

Aβ42 > Aβ40

“course and punctate deposition”


Mouse (APP23)

(Varied: Olf Bulb, parietal cortex, entorhinal cortex, striatum, IHC)


6–9 months

Mixed core > diffuse

3 months post injection (2–5 months, proximal to injection site), more robust 6 months after injection.

Fibrillar, congophilic, Aβ40 > Aβ42

Parenchymal diffuse Aβ with variable congophilic core plaques and vascular deposits (see Table S1 for more details).


Mouse (APP23)

IP injection


6–9 months

Mixed core > diffuse

8–9 months (2 months)

Fibrillar, congophilic, Aβ40 > Aβ42

CAA carrying into nearby parenchyma. Congophilic vascular Aβ, surrounded by “diffuse, Congo red-negative Aβ deposits”.


Mouse (APP23)


Tg (APP23:Gfap-luc)

6–9 months

Mixed core > diffuse

12 months (~ 2 months)

Fibrillar, congophilic, Aβ40 > Aβ42

“large numbers of small Aβ plaques … [and] more diffuse Aβ deposits”.




human WT


Hetero zygotes




450 days, 615 days, 750 days (165 days)

“plaques and Neurofibrillary


Diffuse deposits (450 and 615 days). 3/7 mice ThioS positive (750 days).


Mouse (APP23, fractionated proteinase K treated) (IHC)


6–9 months

Mixed core > diffuse

7–9 months (3–4 months)

Fibrillar, congophilic, Aβ40 > Aβ42

Mixture diffuse and congophilic deposits.

Aβ deposits small and punctate, some congophilic.

Mouse (APP23, M or F, extra-sonicated) (IHC)


Mouse (APP23)


R1.40 APP (homozygous)

~ 15 months

Mixed core > diffuse

9 months (3 months)

Fibrillar, congophilic, Aβ40 > Aβ42

Largely diffuse deposits in parenchyma and near vessels.

15 months (9 months)

15 months (3 months)


Mouse (APP23, CRND8) (ICV)


6–9 months

Mixed core > diffuse

330–385 days post injection (2 months)

Fibrillar, congophilic

Increased Aβ deposition; morphology not described.

Brain purified fibrils (ICV)


15-20x more

Aβ-rich than non-purified

Increased Aβ deposition; morphology resembles cored plaques.

Synthetic WT Aβ40 (ICV)

Synthetic S26C Aβ40 (ICV)

Fibrillar, congophilic

Increased Aβ; morphology resembles cored plaques in corpus callosum.

[6, 14, 15]

Mouse (APP23)



6–9 months

Mixed core > diffuse

7–9 months (4–6 months)

Fibrillar, congophilic, Aβ40 > Aβ42

Diffuse deposits in molecular layer of dentate gyrus that exhibit spectral properties of seed source when stained with trimeric polythiophene acetic acid

Mouse (APPPS1)


Fibrillar, congophilic, Aβ42 > Aβ40

Mouse (APP23)


APPPS1 mice

3–6 months

Mixed core > > diffuse

3–4 months (1.5–2 months) and 6 months (3 months)

Fibrillar, congophilic, Aβ40 > Aβ42

Mouse (APPPS1)


Fibrillar, congophilic, Aβ42 > Aβ40


Synthetic Aβ40 (NaP)



6–9 months

Mixed core > diffuse

330 days after injection (6–8 weeks)

(long straight fibrils, rarely short fibrils)

Mixed ThioS-positive compact deposits with dense Thio-S negative deposits.

Synthetic Aβ42 (NaP)


(long fibrils, mostly short fibrils)

Synthetic Aβ40 (NaP/SDS)

(long straight fibrils)

Synthetic Aβ42 (NaP/SDS)

(long fibrils with some twists)


Mouse (APP23/APPPS1)

(IP injection)


6–9 months

Mixed core > diffuse

7–8 months (1–2 months), more robust 7–8 months after injection

Fibrillar, congophilic,

Diffuse parenchymal, variable vascular deposition. 5–15% deposits congophilic.

Mouse (APP23/APPPS1)

(IP injection)

homozygous R1.40

10–14 months

Mixed core > diffuse

Somewhat at 9–10 months (1–2 months), more robust 10–12 months after injection.

Fibrillar, congophilic,

Deposits of neocortex in younger groups largely vascular, but in older groups more parenchymal diffuse plaques.

Mouse (APP23/APPPS1)

(IP injection)

hemizygous APP23 with murine APP −/−

9–10 months


9–10 months (1–2 months)

Fibrillar, congophilic,

Diffuse parenchymal, vascular deposits evidence with 5% congophilic.


Human (fixed) (IHC)


6–9 months

Mixed core > diffuse

7–8 months (3–4 months)

“plaques and neurofibrillary tangles”

Small, compact, punctate Aβ deposits. Thioflavin-S and Congo Red staining not reported.

Mouse (APPPS1, fresh frozen) (IHC)

Fibrillar, congophilic,

Mouse (APPPS1, fixed and cryoprotected) (IHC)

Mouse (APP23, fresh frozen) (IHC)

Mouse (APP23, fixed and cryoprotected) (IHC)


Human (fresh frozen supernatant from formic acid-soluble fraction) (IHC)


6–9 months

Mixed core > diffuse

12 months (4 months)

“plaques and Neurofibrillary


Diffuse Aβ depositions.

Human (supernatant mixed with CSF) (IHC)

10–11 months (3–4 months)

“plaques and Neurofibrillary


Robust Aβ deposition, largely diffuse.


Mouse (APP23 mouse hippocampi seeded 1 and 30 days prior with APP23 brain tissue)

APP23 mice (male)


7 and 11 months (3 months)


Some congophilic deposits, both parenchymal and vascular.


Mouse (APP23)


APP23 mice

6–9 months


core > diffuse

Robust at 9–10 months (3–4 months)

Fibrillar, congophilic, Aβ40 > Aβ42

“Diffuse and filamentous” Aβ deposition.

Mouse (APPPS1) (IHC)

Robust at 9–10 months (3–4 months)

Fibrillar, congophilic, Aβ42 > Aβ40

“Punctate and compact” Aβ deposition


Mouse (5xFAD)



~ 4 months (hippocampus)

Mixed core > > diffuse

13 weeks initial plaques observed; also 4 months (7 weeks)

Fibrillar, congophilic, Aβ42 > Aβ40

Punctate and compact deposits in hippocampus and dentate gyrus

Mouse (APP23)



6–9 months


9 months (6 months)

Fibrillar, congophilic, Aβ40 > Aβ42