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Archived Comments for: Pathological and physiological functions of presenilins

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  1. Provide a descriptive title for your comment here... The Comment on Presenilins Review

    Bratislav Stefanovic, Medical Faculty - Histology Dept. (Belgrade, SER)

    19 June 2006

    Type your comment here... Precise and valuable overview about presenilins and their "position" or relevance in respect to other, numerous factors of neuron aging and/or degeneration.

    Competing interests

    A competing interest exists when your professional judgment about a paper could possibly be influenced by considerations other than the paper's validity or importance. Detail possible competing interests here... My "competing" interests are, in fact, the "complementary" ones. For example, when applying certain kinds of tissue fixation, some neurons are very well preserved, but others are not. These facts are not just simple artifacts - "deeper" factors strongly influence the outcome, such as active proteases, presenilins, etc.
