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Figure 1 | Molecular Neurodegeneration

Figure 1

From: Upregulation of miRNA hsa-miR-342-3p in experimental and idiopathic prion disease

Figure 1

Deregulated miRNAs in the brainof BSE-infected macaques identified by qRT-PCR analysis. The basis pontis region of six BSE-infected and five non-infected macaques were dissected, miRNAs were isolated and 5 ng each analyzed for differential miRNA expression. A. MiRNA regulation according to stem-loop qRT-PCR (Applied Biosystems) and B. using poly(A)-tailed qRT-PCR. Analyses were performed twice in duplicate for each animal. Differential expression was analyzed by the ΔΔCT method [27] using the small nucleolar RNA RNU66 as a housekeeping RNA and the non-infected animals as calibrators. Statistical analysis was performed using unpaired t-test with Welch's correction (** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001). n.d., not done. Shown are the mean regulation factors ± SD of all infected animals.

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