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Fig. 5 | Molecular Neurodegeneration

Fig. 5

From: STIM2 protects hippocampal mushroom spines from amyloid synaptotoxicity

Fig. 5

Influence of Aβ42 on mushroom spines in vivo. a The spine shape of CA1 hippocampal neurons from the 3.5 months old line M mice injected with Aβ42 and control mice was visualized by two-photon imaging. Scale bar corresponds to 5 μm. On the Ctrl panel all quantified types of spines are indicated: M (mushroom) with an arrow, T (thin) with a triangle and S (stubby) with a square. b, c Total spine density and percentages of mushroom, thin and stubby spines in neurons from CA1 hippocampal area. Graph represents the data of three independent experiments with control mice and the mice injected with Aβ42. For spine quantification n = 21–30 neurons were analyzed. Values are shown as mean ± SEM. ***: p < 0.0005 by t-test

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