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Fig. 4 | Molecular Neurodegeneration

Fig. 4

From: Enrichment of extracellular vesicles from tissues of the central nervous system by PROSPR

Fig. 4

Analysis of PROSPR-CNS-EVs enriched from mouse brain tissue. a Venn diagram matched to mouse exosome proteins compiled in Exocarta [19] and Funrich [24] corresponding to the 42 % of total identified proteins in mouse PROSPR-CNS-EV fractions. Mouse microvesicle proteins compiled in Vesiclepedia [21] and EVpedia [22] corresponding to the 33 % of all identified proteins in mouse PROSPR-CNS-EV fractions. Finally, the 49.5 % of the EV proteins found in mouse PROSPR-CNS-EVs were novel identifications not previously found in enriched/isolated EVs. b Funrich [24] site of expression analysis of unique EV proteins from mouse PROSPR-CNS-EVs. c Funrich cellular origin categories of unique EV proteins from mouse PROSPR-CNS-EVs

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