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Fig. 1 | Molecular Neurodegeneration

Fig. 1

From: Immunotherapy targeting pyroglutamate-3 Aβ: prospects and challenges

Fig. 1

Targeting site for pGlu-3 Aβ-specific therapeutic antibodies. Full-length Aβ is comprised of 40 or 42 amino acids (Aβ 1-40/42). The six N-terminal amino acids of Aβ are depicted by one-letter code of amino acids and chemical structure. pGlu-3 Aβ is a truncated and post-translationally modified variant generated by catalysis of yet unknown proteases and QC/isoQC to convert an N-terminal glutamate residue into a cyclic 5-oxo-proline ring structure (“pGlu”, “pE”). Thereby, a neoepitope is generated that is not present in full-length Aβ molecules. The interaction site of pGlu-3 Aβ-specific antibodies is represented by the line drawn around the pGlu-modified Aβ N-terminus

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