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Table 1 Specificity and sensitivity of the screening assay based upon an SSMD threshold of < -0.5

From: ZNStress: a high-throughput drug screening protocol for identification of compounds modulating neuronal stress in the transgenic mutant sod1G93R zebrafish model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis


Replicate 1

Replicate 2

Sensitivity in percentage

94.8 % ± 9.85

96.6 % ± 8.8

Specificity in percentage

85.2 % ± 13.2

93.2 % ± 9.0

  1. The assay statistics from 40 plates in each replicate including 12 positive control (riluzole) and 12 negative control wells. The false positive and false negative numbers were utilized to calculate the specificity and sensitivity of the assay expressed as percentage mean and standard deviation