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Fig. 2 | Molecular Neurodegeneration

Fig. 2

From: BACE1 elevation engendered by GGA3 deletion increases β-amyloid pathology in association with APP elevation and decreased CHL1 processing in 5XFAD mice

Fig. 2

GGA3 levels are reduced in both hippocampus and cortex of young 5XFAD mice. a Representative immunoblot of cortex homogenates from 4 months old GGA3WT, GGA3Het, GGA3KO, GGA3WT;5XFAD, GGA3Het;5XFAD and GGA3KO;5XFAD mice using anti-GGA3 (4167), anti-GGA1 (H-215), anti-GAPDH (MAB374) antibodies. b-c Graphs represent densitometry levels of GGA3 normalized to levels of GAPDH in hippocampus (b) and cortex (c) homogenates form each genotype, expressed as relative value to GGA3 levels in GGA3WT mice set to 1.0. Levels of GGA3 were reduced in both hippocampus and cortex of 4 months old GGA3WT;5XFAD mice compared to GGA3WT mice. d-e Graphs represent GGA1 levels normalized to levels of GAPDH in hippocampus (d) and cortex (e) homogenates form each genotype, expressed as relative value of GGA1 levels in GGA3WT mice set to 1.0. No changes in the levels of GGA1 were observed in all genotypes. Total number of mice in each group is indicated within bars. All graphs represent mean ± SEM. One-way ANOVA with Fisher’s LSD post hoc tests was applied to each genotype group. * p < 0.05

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