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Table 2 Number of DEGs involved in selected KEGG pathways at each age group. Values in the parentheses are Q-values of pathway enrichment test, and significant Q-values (< 0.1) are marked witha

From: Genome-wide RNAseq study of the molecular mechanisms underlying microglia activation in response to pathological tau perturbation in the rTg4510 tau transgenic animal model


Month 2

Month 4

Month 6

Month 8

NF-κB signaling

7 (9.69E-03a)

21 (8.74E-03a)

18 (2.44E-01)

24 (2.83E-03a)

cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction

11 (1.86E-02a)

42 (1.82E-02a)

53 (1.07E-02a)

49 (4.68E-03a)


4 (4.73E-01)

37 (3.96E-08a)

40 (1.13E-06a)

41 (8.58E-09a)

Alzheimer’s disease

3 (7.53E-01)

45 (1.41E-08a)

56 (2.20E-10a)

39 (1.51E-04a)

Parkinson’s disease


30 (2.75E-04a)

42 (3.43E-07a)

26 (2.51E-02a)

Huntington’s disease


33 (8.74E-03a)

47 (8.59E-05a)

27 (3.54E-01)

Oxidative phosphorylation


37 (1.41E-08a)

47 (4.71E-11a)

33 (3.82E-05a)

HIF-1 signaling pathway

3 (6.34E-01)

25 (1.12E-03a)

25 (2.51E-02a)

23 (2.26E-02a)


3 (7.91E-01)

31 (1.89E-03a)

45 (2.40E-04a)

43 (5.11E-05a)