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Fig. 8 | Molecular Neurodegeneration

Fig. 8

From: CCR5 antagonist reduces HIV-induced amyloidogenesis, tau pathology, neurodegeneration, and blood-brain barrier alterations in HIV-infected hu-PBL-NSG mice

Fig. 8

MVC abrogated HIV-induced increased Tau phosphorylation. Levels of pTau (Thr181) (a, c, e, f) and total Tau (b, d, e) proteins in the hippocampus fimbria of each brain sample were analyzed by immunohistochemistry (a, b) followed by densitometry quantification (c, d), as well as by Western blot (e) followed by densitometry quantification normalized to sample’s total Tau levels (f). Levels of pTau (Ser396) (g, h), pTau (Ser199) (g, i), pTau (Thr231) (g, j), and pTau (Thr205) (g, k) were also quantified by Western blot (g) followed by densitometry quantification normalized to sample’s total Tau levels (h-k). For panels a and b, images were at 40X. The four animal groups analyzed included PBS, HIV, HIV + MVC, and MVC; 9 to 11 animals in each group. #P < 0.0001, **P = 0.002, *[(f) P = 0.011, (j) P = 0.048]. Error bars represent SD

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