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Fig. 4 | Molecular Neurodegeneration

Fig. 4

From: Sex specific molecular networks and key drivers of Alzheimer’s disease

Fig. 4

Characterization of AD-related Phenotypes in EFAD mice with LRP10 Over-expression (OE). A Novel Object Recognition (NOR) Studies: Preference index = (time exploring novel object)/(time exploring novel object + time exploring familiar object) and discrimination index = (time exploring novel object- time exploring familiar object)/(time exploring novel object + time exploring familiar object) in 8 groups of mice: scramble E4FAD female, LRP10 OE E4FAD female, scramble E4FAD male, LRP10 OE E4FAD male, scramble E3FAD female, LRP10 OE E3FAD female, scramble E3FAD male, and LRP10 OE E3FAD male. N = 9–15/group; *p < 0.05 with ANOVA tests. Y maze studies in 8 groups of mice: % spontaneous alternation percentage (SAP) = ({spontaneous alternation/(total number of arm entries -2)} × 100). N = 14–18/group; *p < 0.05 with ANOVA tests. B A representative image of brain section was shown with top panels scramble E4FAD female mouse brain and bottom panels LRP10 OE E4FAD female mouse brain (red: amyloid plaque staining; green: IBA1+ microglia). C Quantification of amyloid plaque burden in E4FAD female mouse hippocampus by density was measured by the size of all plaques (plaque area in mm2) in the brains of scramble (black scatter plot, each dot representing individual plaque) versus LRP10 OE (pink scatter plot) female E4FAD mice. Distribution of plaques measured by numbers of plaques in different sizes was compared between scramble versus LRP10 OE female E4FAD mouse brains as well. D Levels of IL6 and IL10 were compared between scramble versus LRP10 OE female E4FAD mice and data were presented as % of controls with the average of scramble E3FAD male mouse brain levels as 100%. N = 3–5/group; *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 by unpaired T-tests with Welch’s corrections

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