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Fig. 4 | Molecular Neurodegeneration

Fig. 4

From: Overexpression of human alpha-Synuclein leads to dysregulated microbiome/metabolites with ageing in a rat model of Parkinson disease

Fig. 4

Accumulation of α-Syn in the colon of TG rats. a IHC was performed to identify the accumulation of total human α-Syn in 2, 2.5, 3 and >12 M old WT and TG rats using human primary α-Syn antibody (LB509; #ab27766). With ageing accumulation of α-Syn was observed in TG rats whereas no positive staining was observed in WT rats as expected. b Further, pathological state of human α-Syn was examined in 2, 2.5, 3 and > 12 M in TG rats using human primary pS129 α-Syn antibody (EP1356Y; #ab51253). It appeared that pathological α-Syn was increased with ageing in TG rats. Further, pS129 α-Syn antibody was blocked using specific peptide for pS129 site for the antibody and no staining was observed suggesting the specificity of pS129 antibody. c One of the representative immunoblot images of α-Syn and Gapdh staining is shown. We quantified the α-Syn amount using total α-Syn antibody (#BD 610787) and found that with ageing (2 M) to 4 M α-Syn expression in the colon tissues is significantly increased. Further ageing (4 M to > 12 M) tended to affect the accumulation of α-Syn but not statistically significant difference was observed. P value significance represents *p ≤ 0.05

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