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Fig. 3 | Molecular Neurodegeneration

Fig. 3

From: The Q/R editing site of AMPA receptor GluA2 subunit acts as an epigenetic switch regulating dendritic spines, neurodegeneration and cognitive deficits in Alzheimer’s disease

Fig. 3

LTP and seizure phenotypes in J20 mice. a fEPSPs following 2 trains of TBS to the Schaffer collateral pathways evoked LTP in the hippocampus of all four genotypes (n’s; WT = 8, GluA2G/G = 6, J20 = 8, GluA2G/G/J20 = 6). fEPSP slope analysis of 0–10 and 50–60 min post-TBS showed an increase in LTP induction in GluA2G/G/J20 mice compared to J20 mice (0–10 min) and a strong, but not significant, trend towards impaired LTP in J20 mice compared to all other genotypes (50–60 min), respectively. b Spike analysis over 24 h in genotypes showed a trend towards significance of J20 and GluA2G/G/J20 mice for increased seizure activity (n’s; WT = 4, GluA2G/G = 4, J20 = 7, GluA2G/G/J20 = 4). Representative ECoG spike traces and tonic clonic seizure examples. c Kainic acid-induced seizure activity in J20 and GluA2G/G/J20 mice was significantly increased as compared to WT and GluA2G/G mice (n’s; WT = 14, GluA2G/G = 8, J20 = 6, GluA2G/G/J20 = 6). Each value represents the mean ± the SD for bar graphs and SEM for line graphs. **p < 0.01, ****p < 0.0001

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