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Fig. 3 | Molecular Neurodegeneration

Fig. 3

From: Axonal energy metabolism, and the effects in aging and neurodegenerative diseases

Fig. 3

Aging induced bioenergetic maladaptation in mouse brain. A. Transcriptional fold change of enzymes involved in NAD+ redox potential maintenance in glutamatergic (GLUT), GABAergic (GABA), dopaminergic (DOPA) and cholinergic (CHOL) neurons upon aging, adapted from [22]. Sirt7 in aged cholinergic neurons is increased 5.97-fold, labeled in dark red. B. Transcriptional fold change of glycolytic enzymes and monocarboxylic acid transporters (MCTs) in myelin-forming oligodendrocytes (MF-OLG) and mature oligodendrocytes (MT-OLG). (MT-OLG-1 and MT-OLG-2 are two independent repeats in [22]). HK2 in aged myelin-forming oligodendrocytes is increased 9.72-fold, labeled in purple-red. C. A hypothetical model of the sequential events caused by aging that leads to metabolic failure in long-range axonal projections and glucose hypometabolism in central hubs of the brain connectome

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