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Table 2 PTMs impact VCP-dependent biological activities. Information on VCP modifications was provided by PhosphoSitePlus [139] and the sources listed in the table. The table shows PTMs of residues located in regions that are relevant to the processes discussed in this review. PhosphoSitePlus [139] provides comprehensive information on all PTMs. Residues that are part of cofactor binding sites are in green. These sites are present in the N-terminal domain (residues 1–208; specifically Nn: 24–104; Nc: 113–184) and the C-terminal tail (residues 764–806). The nuclear localization sequence (NLS) encompasses residues 60 to 66 [135], underlined in the table. Cellular functions controlled by multiple PTMs are grouped together. Residues relevant to stress granule biogenesis are in red. M3, tri-methylation; phospho, phosphorylation; SUMO, sumoylation. NA denotes consequences of the PTMs that are not fully understood. See Fig. S1 for a comprehensive depiction of the PTMs that were identified for VCP

From: Valosin containing protein (VCP): initiator, modifier, and potential drug target for neurodegenerative diseases

  1. Reference: [78, 82, 127, 138, 140,141,142,143,144]