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Table 1 Future directions for RGC development and differentiation (SDG1)

From: Retinal ganglion cell repopulation for vision restoration in optic neuropathy: a roadmap from the RReSTORe Consortium

Research Area

Future Goals

RGC subtype identification

Identify the human RGC subtypes most affected by diseases like glaucoma and study the underlying mechanisms of their vulnerability. Prioritize research into diseases that might give insights into RGC subtypes most relevant from a therapeutic standpoint

RGC differentiation protocols

Determine how bypass of developmental differentiation stages with directed induction of RGC specification may influence or enable subtype specification

Subtype-specific gene expression profiles

Use cutting-edge transcriptomic technologies to identify subtype-specific gene expression profiles across species and manipulate relevant signaling pathways to better understand RGC subtype specification in vitro and in vivo

Subtype-specific transplantation protocols

Develop protocols for RGC subtype-specific differentiation to advance the study of RGC subtype biology and pathophysiology, and to enable subtype specific transplantation protocols

Fovea in organoids

Develop a methodology for generating foveated human retinal organoids, which would be scientifically valuable and may also provide an efficient way to generate midget RGCs, which could support high acuity vision if transplanted

Glial reprogramming

Use human stem cells or postmortem tissue to derive MG for screening a large set of transcription factors for RGC reprogramming, followed by further evaluation in human retinal organoids and/or nonhuman primates